F3X Training System

The F3X Training System is a interactive program designed for competitive powerlifters, coaches or individuals that are seriously interested in consistently getting stronger in the core lifts; Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift.

The Beginning 

I have been working out since the age of 6, when my dad bought me and my brothers our first barbell and dumbbell set, made of plastic and filled with concrete. From there, my father would add other odd pieces of equipment, things with springs, a portable machine that resembled a bow, etc. That set the foundation of my life long intrigue in working out. At that age, having bigger muscles and being stronger was the only interest. Speed up to my teenage years, workouts became more dynamic and complex. The focus still was to be muscular as well as stronger, but when I started playing sports a third purpose was thrown in the mix, improved performance. I became obsessed with being the best I could be in every sport I played, which made it easy for me to train, and eat the way I did. During high School, I would get up at 5:00 am and go run for 2 miles, I always took weight training class in school, and then after school train with my team. 3 workouts per day, Monday-Friday.

After high school I continued to play sports, and really started diving in to the science of athleticism and performance. I would read and study works from trainers all over the world and from multiple sports. I would apply what I learned to my training, always being my own guinea pig, and for all of my training partners over the years they were also unaware experimental subjects. I played competitive paintball for 12 years, from 1995-2007. The last 4 years was with a World Champion Team. During that time period I was arguably the fastest player in the world. Sprinting came natural to me, that had been one of my passions since high school and is still today. Just being the fastest wasn’t enough, I became obsessed with being one of the best players in the world, so I started studying reaction speed, and open focus. If you possess speed, accuracy and field awareness, you were a dominant player. In 2006 I wrote a book, that was published specifically for increasing those skills for the sport of paintball.

The Progression

December 22, 2007, I opened F3 Fitness, a performance focused gym. In 2013 I was introduced to powerlifting, a sport that goes along with my, “I want to be the fastest, strongest, most athletic me” personality. From my very first meet I was hooked. Right away I started my study, apply, repeat tactic. I ran through free programs, I purchased programs, and I started collecting data from top US, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Bulgarian, an German strength coaches. The scientist in me always asking “how and why?” In 2015 I learned enough to feel comfortable coaching and putting programming together for others. In 2016 I started the F3X Branding. I knew I was on to something, because not only was I breaking State, National, and World Records, but 7 out of the 9 athletes I was training were doing the same. I love competing and coaching equally, and really wanted to start branching out and taking on more athletes. There are some challenges taking on a mass of athletes, you either don’t possess enough time and energy to write personal programming and follow up with everyone, or if you write cookie cutter programming, you can’t accommodate individuals needs. Now, you can make a lot of money with that style for a brief amount of time, but a uncertain percentage of folks won’t yield the gains they are looking for because the volume might not be enough, or too much. Both scenarios end up not being very specific to each athletes needs. I set out to engineer a program that yielded personal results, reactive and adjusted based on a individuals needs. I also wanted the programming results to be repeatable. There are many programs out there that yield great results initially, but they are so intense you end up frying out your CNS and end up in a overstrained state that moves you backwards in the long run. I wanted a program where athletes could consistently see their results. I wanted a powerful program that was affordable, not everyone can afford a top coach, or don’t ever intend to compete, but just want to consistently get stronger in the core lifts. Lastly, I wanted the program to be diverse and fun. I personally have workout A.D.D. I lose interest and motivation doing programming that is the same thing, over and over. I have run a few programs that were affective, but lacked variation so I ultimately lost interest. Those programs became a chore...I didn’t want that with F3X. After dozens of athletes, 100’s of monitored training cycles, many updates in making things more effective, efficient, adaptive, fun and repeatable, I have created one of the best powerlifting programs in the world. If you are new to powerlifting, and get to benefit from “newbie gains” the program does not hold you back and adapts to your accelerated strength capabilities. If you are a season veteran, that struggles to even add 1 pound to any of the lifts in one year, F3X will confidently and consistently help you unlock more strength every 16 week cycle.

The Gift

The F3X Training System is a complete program that adapts to athletes on a personalized level. After entering a little data initially and weekly, the program will give you weekly workouts with specific exercise, sets, reps, and weight on the main lifts, you’ll get very specific accessory exercises, and you will also be given the freedom to choose exercises based on certain muscle groups. F3X will take you through the foundation phase (conditioning and building), then through a very specific and effective peaking phase based off your results from the foundation phase. When the 15th week is completed, the program will provide your current max (based on performance), percent of increase, suggested warm ups, opener, 2nd attempt, and 3rd attempt if everything has gone to plan at your meet. F3X will also provide a week 16 “hyperload” phase that will both give you recovery as well as hyperdrive your CNS for a phenomenal performance come meet day. 

 I have been asked, “Does F3X replace a coach? The short answer is, “ Maybe.” Great coaches are more than programming, they are psychologists, therapists, motivators, perceptive eyes, problem solvers, equipment fetchers, organizers, and sometimes just a shoulder. The F3X program isn’t those things, it’s an extremely effective program. If you can’t afford a coach, the truth is, you are your own coach responsible for all traits previously mentioned. The F3X system will benefit you, because you no longer need to toil over programming that suits your needs and capabilities. If you are are a coach, the F3X System is also perfect for you. For a additional yearly subscription fee, you can use the F3X Training System for all of your athletes and easily be able to track their programming, progress, and results. You no longer have to spend hours writing up individual programs, and can concentrate on just being a great coach. 

 The F3X Training System is a lifetime of knowledge and application, that has been sharpened into one of the most effective programs ever constructed for the core lifts of powerlifting, and it’s now available! Call or email for more info and pricing.

“There is only a ceiling if you believe there to be”
-Garrin Clark
   Creator of The F3X Training System

F3X Training System Demo

F3X Omega

F3X Trinity

RPE Integration